
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My First Award: The Butterfly Award

I was so honored to receive my first ever award from the lovely Veronica from Chic and Shiny
The rules are as follows: 
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions below.
4. Award this to 15 bloggers.

Okay, so here are seven facts about myself.
1. I am a French and International Studies major. I love all things French -- the culture, the language itself, and the food! I plan to study abroad there sometime this year or next.
2. I am a huge fan of both the Packers and the Brewers. I'm quite the proud Wisconsinite. I'll admit, I almost cried when the Packers won the Superbowl this year :)
3. Nail polish only became a true passion of mine about a year ago. Since then, my collection has grown and now I think I have about 200 colors. I need to make a spreadsheet!
4. I am a proud member of Zeta Tau Alpha, a sorority at my university. In fact, I've already done all my shopping for fall rush. 
5. My other addiction is reddit! If any of my followers are redditors, let me know :) I love reading reddit, and always take a look before bed.
6. I used to bite my nails a lot before I started Aly Loves Lacquer, but now I try my hardest to keep my nails looking pretty for all of you! Nobody wants to look at sad little bitten nubbins.
7. My birthday is coming up in a week or so, and I am so excited! I am going to be 19 :) 

The questions!
Name your favorite color: Purple! No competition at all!
Name your favorite song: That is a really tough question, so I'll list a few. I am currently loving "I Would Do Anything for You" by Foster the People, "Toi + Moi" by Grégoire, and "Basic Space" by The xx.
Name your favorite dessert: Crème brûlée, no question! 
What pisses you off: I absolutely hate when people make racist or sexist remarks; it drives me nuts. Another pet peeve is when I bump my wet nail polish on something and I have to start all over.
When you're upset you...: I cry! Lots of times I just sleep it off and think things over later with a clearer head. I also like listening to music and chatting with my boyfriend.
My favorite pet: I have two dogs, Haley and Arlo. Both are my favorite! I also used to have two rats, Mabel and Lucy, and they were adorable.
Black or white: I think black, though both are fine by me.
Your biggest fear: Mustard freaks me out! I know it is harmless, but I can't even touch it!
Best feature: I wasn't sure, so I asked my boyfriend. He just texted the word "Face," so I guess it's my face? 
Everyday attitude: I can be a bit sarcastic, but overall I'm pretty happy.
What is perfection: One coat nail polish :)
Guilty pleasure: Ice cream, mashed potatoes, cheesy TV shows, and of course polish!

Anyone who thinks rats aren't cute clearly never met Mabel!

And here are the people I am tagging:
3. ANYONE!! I haven't been keeping up very well with all the new blogs out there -- I try but I have been so busy. Therefore, I want all of you to know you're invited to post this award on your blog, and let me know if you do! 

I hope you all enjoyed learning a bit more about me :)

- Aly


1 comment:

  1. I love the french language! However my grammer is still a bit iffy.... lol!
