Good evening! Today I needed a bit of brightness on my nails. Luckily, I found OPI Fiercely Fiona in a clearance bin recently. It was marked down to $2.00! Fiercely Fiona was released with the Shrek Collection by OPI in 2010.
Fiercely Fiona is a bright yellow crème with a good amount of green in the base. As you might know, yellows tend to be a huge pain to apply. This polish's application wasn't terrible, but it wasn't exactly perfect either. It started out incredibly streaky, but I was able to build it to opacity. Fiercely Fiona needed 3 careful coats to reach opacity.
I had wavered back and forth for a couple years on this one, but I am glad that I picked it up in the end. That said, I am glad I did not pay full price for it. A streaky polish just isn't worth $8.00. Fiercely Fiona is very unique though, and it makes my hands look tan. I'm glad that I own it.
- Aly
For $2 I would pretty much buy any polish! I love Fiercely Fiona. It's unique enough in my collection that I don't mind the rather tedious application process.
ReplyDeleteI do like this polish. I bought the entire set when it was released. Your swatch is awesome!
ReplyDeletei dont own a yellow polish and wouldn't think to but after seeing this post it actually looks really nice!
ReplyDeleteLooks great! You are so right about yellows. I do wonder why it's so hard for everyone to get the quality right. Anyway, I like this one it does look excellent on you.
ReplyDeleteI love the yellow color! I don't have any yellow.. I think I might have to pick this color up. I'm jealous of the clearance price you got, though!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm giving away a bunch of my favorite beauty products to include Zoya nail polish, Dior products, the Naked Palette 2, etc.. go to to enter!
I agree about the uniqueness! I have a good amount of yellows, but none quite like this one!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I am jealous! I have put off buying any of them for the longest time. I reeeaally want Rumple's Wiggin!
ReplyDeleteYeah, yellow is not the most traditional color, but it definitely can be very pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
ReplyDeleteWow! That is pretty and bright!
ReplyDeleteSuch a summery color!