
Orly Birds of a Feather: Peachy Parrot

4:11:00 PM

We finally had a day with some sunshine, so I was able to get some pictures of Orly Peachy Parrot for you! Peachy Parrot is a peach colored frost that was recently released in the Birds of a Feather collection by Orly. While it isn't my favorite color ever, it is still a nice polish.

In these pictures I am wearing two coats of Peachy Parrot and 1 coat of Seche Vite.

SV caused some serious shrinkage :(

It almost looks like there is a slight duochrome in these pictures, though I didn't notice one in real life. Hmmm... Since Peachy Parrot has a frosty finish, you can really see the brushstrokes. I absolutely hate that look -- it drives me nuts! But many girls love that finish, so it's really personal preference.

In that macro shot you can really see some brushstrokes on the nail. I tried very hard to keep my painting even, but you can still see a few lines. Orly Peachy Parrot also reacted poorly with Seche Vite, so I had some serious shrinkage. I'd recommend trying a different topcoat with this baby. 

I think this is my least favorite color in the Birds of a Feather collection. It just wasn't for me, but it might look beautiful on someone else. I think I will be swapping this one.

What do you think?

- Aly

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  1. It's literally one of the most gorgeous colors I have evr seen! Where will you swap it?

  2. @iLadybird - I do all my swapping through MUA.

    @Barb, Ivana, Arianne, and Marisa - Glad to see you like it!

