
Essie Fall 2011 Preview: Brand New Bag

1:50:00 PM

I saw a preview of Essie's upcoming Fall 2011 collection and knew I had to pass it on. The collection is called Brand New Bag, and all the polishes have cute names that refer to different purses. I think it is a nice idea, and it makes the polishes feel really luxe.

Here is a picture of the new colors.

In order that they are swatched in the above picture, we have... Lady Like, Glamour Purse, Case Study, Very Structured, Carry On, and Power Clutch. 

What do you think? I'm interested in seeing Power Clutch and Carry On, as well as Very Structured. Any colors you think you'll be picking up?

- Aly

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  1. those are interesting colors...


  2. omg i love those neutrals<33

    thanks for sharing, im excited about them!

