
Matte Glitter, Y U SO PRETTY?

8:06:00 PM

One of my absolute favorite looks is matte glitter. I just think it is so pretty and so unique. I was feeling a bit uninspired looking at my stash, so I decided to go with a nice matte glitter look.

I used Orly Frolic, which is a bright purple/pink crème. It's also nearly impossible to photograph. Last time I swatched it, the pictures showed a creamy medium purple. However, it looks very fuchsia in these pictures, and on my hands. A chameleon, I'd say. The glitters are Sally Hansen Ice Queen. The Sally Hansen was pretty sheer, so I layered 3 thin coats on top of Frolic. Everything has been mattefied with Orly Matte Top.

Click me for a better look!

So, what do you think? I really like this combo. Matte glitter always makes me happy :D

- Aly

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  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Girly but oh so cool because it's mattified!

  2. I love that and I'm not usually a pink fan but something about that manicure draws me. It's so fun!

  3. I think it looks really cool.

  4. I love these all together - look great!!

  5. Exactly what I was going for :) Thanks!

  6. Must be the glittah! ^.^

  7. I love matte glitter! This is an awesome combo, too!

  8. I freaking love the colour combo of the glitters and the polish! & My boyfriend over my shoulder's just said "oo pretty" :P hehe

  9. Ooh, you know it's good when even the boyfriend notices :)

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