
Speciallità Hits No Olimpo Deméter

2:14:00 PM

Hi there! Today's polish is an extra special one. I received this as a gift from my mom last holiday season, and was wholly surprised that she picked such a unique shade for me.

This is a beautiful linear holographic polish called Deméter and it is made by Speciallità, a Brazilian brand. Speciallità Hits released a collection called No Olimpo, and every polish in it is holographic. They're also named after gods and goddesses. Deméter is the goddess of the harvest, so orange seems to be a fitting shade.

Unlike some holographic shades *cough Nfu Oh cough* this polish applies like a dream, no fancy base coats needed. I used my normal base coat and Deméter went on with ease. Here I am wearing 2 coats with no topcoat.

This shade of orange is so unique! It is a bit mellower than your typical in-your-face, bright orange polish. I have never seen such a classy, muted take on orange before. Speciallità Hits Deméter is very pretty and the holo is to die for!

The only places in the US that sell Speciallità Hits polishes are Llarowe and Ninja Polish, but luckily both of those shops are a pleasure to deal with.

What's your favorite orange polish?

- Aly

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