
Franken: Nénuphar

2:23:00 PM

Hi everyone! I hope you'll forgive me for posting a green on Wednesday :) I just had to show you this franken I made using Spectraflair pigment! If you haven't gotten your hands on some Spectraflair yet, I recommend you do. It is a little pricey, but a little goes a long way. Plus, I feel like a mad scientist every time I franken. Mwhahaha!

Nénuphar, French for lily pad, is a light green holographic polish. It covered really really well and I only needed one coat! I've been tweaking it for a while now, but I think I am finally satisfied with my creation.

Sadly, the weather here in Saint Louis is horrible. It's been rainy and cold, so there wasn't any sunshine to photograph my baby in. Nonetheless, I wanted to show Nénuphar off :) I will definitely have to reswatch when it's sunny out.

I love it!

You can see in the macro shot below just how pretty Nénuphar is. It reminds me of springtime and fresh flowers. :)

So what do you think of my finally finished franken? I'm very happy with Nénuphar. Frankening is just so fun. I hope you like it! 

- Aly

P.S. If you missed my post about my last franken, Tempête d'Été, click HERE to see it. 

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