
Day 20: Water Marble

10:56:00 PM

Hey everyone! Now I'm officially 2/3 of the way through the 30 Day Challenge. Feels good :) This challenge is more difficult and time consuming than I had expected, but I am still glad to have taken it on.

I know a lot of bloggers were dreading the Water Marble challenge, but I LOVE doing water marbles. Sure, they aren't the quickest or easiest, but they are fun and I love how they look in the end. Some people worry that it is a waste of polish, but when you have as many as I do, you don't really mind that ;)

For today's marble, I used OPI Suzi Says Feng Shui, OPI Don't Know...Beets Me!, Sally Hansen Pacific Blue, and China Glaze First Mate. First, I put down a coat of underwear, though I can't remember what white I used. Then I marbled in my trusty marbling cup, and this is what I came up with!

I like my middle finger the best!

Originally, I was just going to use the teals and blues, but I am glad I added the pink. I think it really makes all the colors pop! If you try a marble at home, make sure you either tape off your nails or put on vaseline/cuticle oil around them before marbling. Otherwise, you'll get polish ALL OVER the place. I prefer to use cuticle oil, but to each her own :)

- Aly

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  1. Amazing colour combo & marbling job!!!!

  2. Gorgeous, love the colors you used!

  3. this turned out really well! I'm doing the challenge right now too and I'm actually looking forward to water marbling :D

  4. Thanks @Nail Polish Anon and @Shannara

    @whimsicalglam - I'm glad you like marbling too! Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one!

  5. Love your colour combo here. I love the look of water marbling, but have always put it off cause of all the prep ya gotta do :p

  6. I would like water marbling a heck of a lot better if I was that good at it! :)

  7. This is still one of my all time favorites. It must be the aging hippie in me! :-)

