
Hard Candy Sweet Tooth

12:04:00 PM

Hi! I am alive! I don't think I have ever gone this long between posts, and I so apologize! It has been almost a month, and I have no good excuse besides that I am busy with school. But so are tons of other bloggers, so that isn't much of a reason. I am so sorry! But I am excited to finally be posting again! :)

Today I want to show you something seriously awesome. I am a big fan of these jelly-sandwich-style polishes. A lot of indies were producing these, and now some major companies have caught on to the trend. Recently, Hard Candy contacted me regarding the awesome new polishes they have at Walmart and I jumped at the chance to review Sweet Tooth.

Hard Candy Sweet Tooth is a light blue crelly base filled with smallish blue, pink, and white hex glitters. The application was a little tough due to the thickness caused by so much glitter. However, the final look is well worth a careful application process. You could also add some thinner to make it easier to apply! This is 3 careful coats with top coat.

And what would a glitter post be without a macro shot?! Yum.

This polish is great. It makes me think of cupcakes or jellybeans, and definitely fits its name. I am really liking it. The other great thing is that these Hard Candy polishes retail for $4.00 at Walmart. That means they are easy to find and easy to afford! 

What do you think?

- Aly

**the product in this post was provided for my honest review**

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  1. Pretty polish! I am glad that some of the mainstream brands are starting to think outside the box.

  2. Me too! It's great to see some creativity!

  3. Me too, Melissa :)

