
Essie Raise Awareness

7:39:00 PM

This past October, Essie released a breast cancer awareness color called Raise Awareness. As a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, my sisters and I have done a lot to raise awareness for breast cancer awareness. I think it is great to see big companies like Essie promoting breast cancer awareness. Though I do wish that other cancers received the same amount of attention!

That said, Raise Awareness is a beautiful light pink crème. A couple weeks ago, DBF told me he prefers more "traditional" and "feminine" nail colors. How cute :) So I went searching in my stash for something that fit the bill. Strangely, I have a lot more green than I do pink! Finally I stumbled upon Raise Awareness in my untrieds.

I am so happy I tried it! Take a look at 3 thin coats of Essie Raise Awareness.

Something about this polish makes my hands look SO tan! I am always a fan of that :) Formula on this was good, especially for such a light pink. It took 3 coats, but was not goopy or streaky. I really like the feminine, clean look of this polish. 

I think I might have to try out some more "traditional" colors. It feels so different and classy for me! It is definitely a nice break from all the crazy glitters and shades I am normally sporting!

- Aly

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  1. It's funny how us nail bloggers consider green, blue, purple, etc to be our "normal" colours and find pinks and reds to be the polishes that we don't usually go for. Sometimes pink is a nice "pallet cleanser". That said, great mani colour!

  2. Really pretty and does look fab on you!

  3. I agree! We all need a simple color every once in a while. I don't think I have worn a nude in years!

  4. I've been looking for the perfect light pink color, and now i found it! Thank you! (:

  5. Where did you buy this color nail polish at? I went looking for it today, and couldn't find it. :(

  6. I was lucky and found it by chance in a clearance section! But if you want it, I found it on Amazon for $4.50!!

  7. I am a pink freak, it's my favorite color on nails and a lot of my clothes. I have never seen this color before, but I will order from amazon. Thanks for the great idea!

  8. I went looking for this color today at Walgreens since it's October again and I was hopeful. I didn't see it but I did get a shade of pink called We're in it Together.It's my first bottle of Essie polish. After I got home today I went on pinterest where I had first seen your picture of Raise Awareness and noticed that the pin I saw had called it Ballerina Pink. Do you know if they're the same color and Essie just renamed it for breast cancer awareness? Or did someone on pinterest just call it that without checking the original link? I see that a lot so I wouldn't be surprised. But if it is Ballerina Pink then I want to go look for that tomorrow. lol.

  9. Hi Patricia! The pictures you saw were renamed as Ballerina Pink, but it is not the same color. Unfortunately, a lot of people pin things and rename them incorrectly. As far as I know, Essie Raise Awareness was limited edition. However, you can find it rather cheap on both eBay and Amazon! Hope that helps!

  10. good and profichinal

