
Pure Ice All Class ~ Swatches & Review

7:53:00 PM

Hello, again! Today I am featuring the newest Pure Ice collection, called All Class. It is made up of 3 purple-y shades and a shimmering nude. Purple is my favorite color, so I was excited to try these out.

First up is Sheen Queen. I love this because it is a one-coater! That means this is a great polish when you're short on time, because you get smooth, even coverage in one quick coat. It's amazing when you find a drugstore polish (Pure Ice is available at Walmart) that has a killer formula. Thumbs up!

Next up is another purple shade, this one being a very whitened lilac called Hautumn. It's so pale it almost looks pink in my photo, but in real life it's clearly purple. This one has a great formula as well, especially for having so much white in the base. It's different than a "typical" fall color, and I love that! The photos show two coats of Hautumn.

The next shade is a very pink mauve, called Make Your Mauve. Of all the shades, I expect I'll wear Make Your Mauve the most because it is so versatile and has a good formula to boot. This was also a one-coater for me! I am currently wearing this under a glitter topper as my NOTD (I'll post that later this week!) and think it would be cute stamped with Sheen Queen too.

Finally, we have the odd one out of this collection, a shimmering nude called Hot Child in the Suburbs. I'm not a big wearer of nudes, because they often look weird with my skin tone. However, I got lucky with this one, as it meshes well with my own undertones. The shimmer is golden but subtle, making this a good option for anyone whose job requires understated polishes. Below you see two coats of Hot Child in the Suburbs.

Altogether, this is a very successful drugstore collection that offers some great formulas and easy-to-wear shades. I'm very happy I tried it -- it's been a long time since I have tried Pure Ice. I'm very pleased with how smooth the application was! Let me know if you have any favorites :)

- Aly

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