
Fourth of July Water Marble!

10:58:00 AM

It is almost Fourth of July, but I can't post tomorrow as I will be celebrating up North at my cabin. I wish all my American readers a lovely long weekend! So here we have one of my favorite water marble designs I have done so far. I used OPI Dutch Tulips for the red, OPI Dating a Royal for the blue, and China Glaze White on White.

Right hand.

And the never-before-seen left hand!

I hope you like it! I know my left hand isn't the prettiest. It's kind of weird because I am actually right-handed, but I keep my right hand looking better than the left. I don't really know why... Anyway, have an amazing long weekend everyone! Happy Fourth!

- Aly

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  1. That looks great! Have fun up at your cabin, happy 4th!

  2. I did a water marble as well! Though, I'm posting mine tomorrow. :) Yours looks great!

  3. thats sooo pretty you did a fabulous job<3

  4. This is one of my all time favorites.

  5. Love the colors on this one. I also love up North in Wisconsin, go up there every summer to the Minocqua area, so pretty and peaceful.

  6. Very very nice water marble!!
    You know, my right hand nails are always shorter than the left one... :)

  7. This is amazing! I love seeing 4th of July manis and you nailed it!

  8. You must teach me how to do this.

