I've never done a tribal print manicure on myself before, so I was a bit worried about taking on today's challenge. With some patience, a dotting tool, and a steady hand, I was able to do a pretty good job of it though! I wanted to do a darker colored tribal print, so I went with gunmetal, black and red. For the base,...
Woohoo! I am half way done with the 30 Day Challenge! It seems like I started forever ago, but I am still glad I tried it out. It's definitely made me try some things I normally wouldn't. For today's challenge, I started with a base of Orly Au Champagne, which was just recently released for the holidays. Can I just say that Au...
Alright, I am getting back on schedule with my 30 Day Challenge! Today I am starting back where I left off, at Day 14. The challenge of the day is flowers, and I decided to try some freehand art for it. My base color is Barielle Tight Knit, a really lovely rosy brown crème. I freehanded the flower petals using a dotting tool...
Hi everyone! I disappeared again because of the Thanksgiving holiday, but now I am here. I hope you all had an amazing time with your families. Just so you know, Dr.'s Remedy is having an awesome sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. It's open until tomorrow at midnight, so go take a look and get your hands one some lovely new polishes! Have...
Today we have animal print, which is one of my favorite manicures to do. I think animal print always looks chic and adorable. This time I chose to use two of my favorite Zoyas: Dove and Petra. Both of these lacquers wear amazingly on me, plus the colors are lovely. I wore 2 coats of Zoya Dove as a base, and stamped with...
Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth! I have been completely swamped with schoolwork, and, as much as I would like to paint my nails every day, real life always comes first. So I finally got back on track with my blogging today! Sorry again for the long lack of posts :( So Day 12 is stripes. I decided to use...
Hi there! Today I am being initiated into my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, so I don't have much time to talk since I have to go get ready! I am very excited :) For this look, I used Essie Demure Vixen as a base and dotted on China Glaze Spontaneous. I like the color combination a lot, but I wish the shimmer in...
So, I am already 1/3 of the way through the 30 Day Challenge. Time has flown by! Today's theme is Gradient, and since I am a sucker for a nice glitter gradient, that is what I wanted to show you all. I was super busy today and almost forgot to post, so I am giving you my Day 10 nails only 20 minutes...
When I saw today's theme was rainbow, I thought right away that it would be a great time to try some freehand nail art. I decided to do a cute little rainbow coming from a cloud. For this freehand art, I used a dotting tool and several nail polish colors. It took quite some time to do, but the outcome was definitely worth...
This will be a quick little post as I still have homework to do tonight :( However, I will have to briefly gush a bit about how lovely Sally Hansen Bronze Ablaze is! I borrowed it from my lovely blogger friend Zara from Never Unpolished, who happens to live in the same dorm as me here at SLU. Bronze Ablaze is a very rich...
Today's challenge theme is Black and White. I decided to do a stamped manicure using my favorite basic black and white polishes: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Whirlwind White and Sinful Colors Black on Black. Both of these polishes are super opaque and fast drying. For those on a search for the perfect black crème, take Black on Black for a test drive! Here...
So, today's color is Violet. I am a huge fan of purple. In fact, it's my favorite color. So I had a lot to choose from. I picked Cult Nails Vicious since it's rather new and I haven't swatched it for you yet. Vicious is a beautiful dark purple crème polish. It covers fantastically in 2 coats, and the shade of purple works...
It's day 5 already! This one is Color Club Otherworldly, which was released with the Starry Temptress Collection this summer. This collection consists of all neon glitters, but the glitter has a very unique look to it. The glitter doesn't sit on top of the polish, so it isn't sparkly. It's different, but I like it anyway. Otherworldly covers well in 2 coats....
30 Day Challenge,
Finger Paints
Day 4: Green -- Finger Paints Scenery Greenery & NYX Girls Enchanted Forest
Whew, that is quite the lengthy title! Both of these polishes are some of my absolute favorites. Finger Paints Scenery Greenery was given to me as a gift from DBF for my birthday, so it has some sentimental value. He is the sweetest guy ever; he went into Sally's by himself and picked out colors for me and even used my Sally's card....
It's Day 3 of the 30 Day Challenge already! I have a feeling this whole thing is going to fly by pretty quickly. Now yellow is another color I only have a few of in my stash. It's a pretty color, but most yellows don't do much for my skin tone. I think yellow looks beautiful on dark skin, but on mine I...
It's Day 2 and that means it's time for orange. I don't have much orange at all, so I decided to pick the first one that came to mind. This is Orly Orange Sorbet, which is a nice jelly orange with golden shimmer. I decided to stamp some butterflies from Bundle Monster 78 with Wet N Wild Sunny Side Up. Orange Sorbet needed...
I've been inspired by a lot of lovely ladies' takes on the 30 Day Challenge that has been floating around the blogosphere. Today, I found out my friend Zara from Never Unpolished, who actually lives in the same dorm as me, is starting it so I decided to tag along and give it a shot as well. The first day's challenge is simply the...
Here is another beautiful glitter from the Ice Baby collection by Wet N Wild. Rockin' Rubies is a vibrant red with some larger pinkish glitter particles. It has a similar composition and application to the other glitters you've seen reviewed here, It's All in the Cut and Believe Me, It's Real. It was two coats for complete opacity and a thick coat of Seche Vite on...